Do you know Stampy Cat?

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Stampy is an amazing Youtuber that always finds a way to make people smile. Even the most boring things, like making a farm, he makes enjoyable, like in Sky Den.

But how much of a fan are you? Have you been watching his videos? Just take this fan-made quiz to find out just how much of a Stampy Cat fan you are!

Created by: Joanna Ives
  1. What is the name of Stampy's cat?
  2. What episode did Lee first appear in?
  3. Who first created the Love Garden?
  4. What is 'Stampy Style'?
  5. Who is Fred?
  6. In 'Past your Bedtime' (On the Magic Animal Club), what did Stampy say he would like as a topping for a cake?
  7. Who, apart from Gregory, is Stampy's favourite dog?
  8. Who is the leader of the Minecraft Helpers?
  9. What was Stampy's 100th episode called?
  10. What is Stampy's favourite animal?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Stampy Cat?