Make your own version of Descendants! (Part 3)

Okay, things are going to be different. At first, I didn't know that I was the one making it all up. But now YOU will be Malia and making choices for her. What you choose will lead up to what happens next. And YES, you might need to skip some depending on what you choose.

You smile and motion to your friends to follow you. You run to the back of the museum. There were doors. You and your friends peeked in through the window. Inside, you could see a guard leaning back in a chair. He had screens on certain objects. Behind him, Maleficent's spinning wheel was on a stand.

Created by: You!!!
  1. "THAT's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jack asked, laughing. "Yeah, it's kinda dorky," Clara added. Even Ella laughed.
  2. You finally find the spell. "Magic spindle, do not linger, make my victim prick a finger," you say, your eyes glowing green. You peek at the guard through the window. He glanced at the wheel and went straight back to his work. "Impressive," Jack said sarcastically. "I've got chills," Clara said, pretending to shiver. You roll your eyes. You turn your attention back to the spell. "Prick the finger, prick it deep, send my enemy off to sleep." The guard stood up and walked toward the spinning wheel. He reached out his arm and pricked his finger on the spindle. For a moment he just stood there. Then, he yawned and curled up on the ground.
  3. You tug on the door, to find that it's locked. Jack found his chance. "Stand back," he said cooly. You smirked and flipped the page. "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." The doors swung open, making it so Jack lands on his butt on the floor.
  4. You rush up the stairs, your friends close behind you. You keep running and stopped at a room. You look inside to see a statue of your mother, her arms outstretched. Your friends came up behind you, panting. A statue of Evil Queen holding a poison apple caught Ella's eye. Jack looked in amazement at a statue of his dad. And of course, Cruella De Vil's statue chasing dalmatian puppies. Clara wanted to look away, but she couldn't. Jack, breaking the silence, says, "Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce." Ella and Clara run after him.
  5. (If you chose to run with your friends, SKIP THIS) You step into the room, not taking eye off your mother's statue. "Mom?" you ask. No reply, of course. "Mom?" you ask again. "I don't know who to be! Am I doing it right?" you ask. When she didn't answer, you sighed and turned around when you heard an evil cackle. You turn around and see your mother's statue laughing. "Don't be so serious, darling! You know being evil is what you want!" You don't say a word. "Malia!" you hear behind you. You turn around to see Ella with a smile on her face. "We found the wand! C'mon!"
  6. The wand was floating and covered in a great light. "There it is," you say in amazement. Jack stepped toward it, his arm outstretched. You know what that means. "Jack, don't!" you say, forgetting to whisper. He just looks at you and keeps making his way toward the wand. He was about to grab it.
  7. (IF you let Jack touch it, SKIP THIS) Ella crossed her arms. Clara shot you a look. "What?" you ask. "He didn't listen to me!" They look at each other then back at you. "Fine!" you say, helping Jack. "But NO going toward that wand," you say to Jack, who shrugged innocently. "Okay we need a plan," you say. "Okay, we need a plan," Jack said, mocking you. You growl and push him. But you pushed him a bit too hard and he bumped into the force field, causing the alarm to go off.
  8. Clara covered her ears to block out the loud siren. "A force field AND a siren?" she yelled above the sound. "That's just a little excessive," Jack said, standing up. "We've got to get out of here!" Ella said. Malia nodded. You run out as fast as your legs can carry you.
  9. "Clara!" you shout, hoping the guard doesn't hear you. Clara ran out. "You're welcome," she said, crossing your arms. You look at her, confused. "I turned off the alarm AND got us out of trouble," she explained. "Okay, C. Thanks," you say. You hear footsteps. The guard. "C'mon, let's go," you say in a whisper. As you run, you say "Way to go, Jack. NOW we have to go to school tomorrow."
  10. The next morning, you meet up with your friends. "Time to learn to be good," Jack moaned. "Well, not only are WE wasting our time, they are too. They're basically teaching this to us for nothing," you say. You and your friends to sit down, you and Ella sharing a table, and Jack and Clara sharing another one. Fairy Godmother went up to the board with a smile on her face.
  11. "Malia," Fairy Godmother said. You looked at her. You notice the question on the board. "If someone hands you a crying baby, you give it a bottle," you say. Fairy Godmother smiled and nodded. "Wow. You are on fire!" Clara said, looking at you. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," you tell them in a whisper. "Oh, that makes so much more sense," Ella said.
  12. Soon, a boy with frizzy hair came in, and ran when he passed by you. "Come here, dear one," Fairy Godmother said. "Everyone here remembers my son August," she said. "Mom!" August said, his cheeks turning red.
  13. "You need to sign some papers for the coronation," he said quietly, handing his mom a clipboard. "Thank you," she said. August ran out of the room. "Please don't mind him," Fairy Godmother said. "I might have told him too many bedtime stories about your... parents. Anyway, let's continue."

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Quiz topic: Make my own version of Descendants! (Part 3)
