what type gamer are u?

there are not many players like u in the world so i ask u to do the quize to see how good you are in black ops the game if u are the best player ever you are a beast

if you want to find out if you are the best player ever then to this quize so if you dont i dont know what to say to you hopefully you are good so, peace!

Created by: jake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how good are u in zombies?
  2. what gun i use in game's?
  3. what do u do if your friend die's in zombie's?
  4. what i need to do if i die?
  5. what u do if your mom calls u down to eat?
  6. your friends invite u to a party what u do?
  7. you like the new map packs?
  8. are u a king of dropshots?
  9. are u 15th prestige?
  10. what type of games u play in multyplayer

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