Are you a GAMER???

There are many types of gamers out there. First of all what is a gamer. Is a gamer only a girl or can it be a guy too? A gamer is A person who plays games, particularly video games.

WHAT TYPe of gamer are you? Are you the ultimate gamer or are you simply not even a gamer? Is there a such thing as being a girl gamer out there in the world? Well take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Gimpy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of games do you play?
  2. How much do you play a day?
  3. Do you play videogames for?
  4. Do you prefer going out with friends or staying home to play videogames?
  5. Do you play on the computer or tv?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Do you prefer playing on...
  8. Do you chat with people online
  9. Is getting paid to play your dream job?
  10. Do you play on skool days?

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Quiz topic: Am I a GAMER???