What Star Wars character are you?

Star Warsaw without a doubt the best trilogy ever!!!!!Now,it is time,to see if you are worthy enough to obtain the force,this quiz helps you find out by telling you which Star Wars character you are!!!

Are you Darth Vader,or are you the wise old creature Yoda,well there's only one you to find out,take this quiz,hope you have fun and good luck!!!!!!!

Created by: Star Wars Addict
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you wise at all?
  2. What is you favourite colour?
  3. Have you ever been in a fight?
  4. Which one of these words would best describe you?
  5. In all honesty,on a rating of 1-6,how smart are you?
  6. Do like Star Wars?
  7. Do you work in the Death Star?
  8. Do you like to dress up as storm troopers?
  9. Do you own a light sabre or a gun?
  10. Who's better?
  11. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What Star Wars character am I?