What sport were you born to play?

This quiz tells u what u shuld sign up for..in ur lifetime....and what sport u were born to play..there are many funny things u will come upon if u take this quiz!!!

..there are many funny things u will come upon if u take this quiz!!!the questions are hilarious and u qwill see a funny summary of what sport u were born to play.

Created by: madison
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you fat?
  2. Around what time were you born?
  3. What are you best at?
  4. Do you sweat easy?
  5. Are you on a diet?
  6. Is your role model a famous sports player?
  7. Do you like to cheer for your team?
  8. What sport do u THINK you were born to play?
  9. Do u like ur neighboor?(i am asking this b/c sammy said so)
  10. Do you think this quiz is gay?

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