What spanking punishment are you going to get?

You want to know what spanking and cornertime punishment you deserve? Find out in this quiz, what you are going to get! You certainly won't sit comfortably for a while.

Cornertime is a mandatory part of the punishment, so don't get your hopes up. You will find yourself facing the corner soon. You are not supposed to like it, it's a punishment after all.

Created by: Boglot
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Who is going to punish you?
  4. How bad was the misdeed you are punished for?
  5. How often are you punished?
  6. Do your punishments usually include cornertime?
  7. Do you like being spanked?
  8. In what state of clothing are you likely going to be?
  9. How did you like this quiz?
  10. Are you really going through with It?

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Quiz topic: What spanking punishment am I going to get?

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