what sort of ayakashi are you

Have you ever wondered what sort of ayakashi are you?well take this quiz to find out there are five types in the quiz but there's more than five types

I hope this quiz is fun and if it is please smile it has twelve quetions and I think it will be fun personally my opinion and it took me ages to think of everything

Created by: Miesha Hartley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like do do in your spare time?
  2. Your under attack what do you do?
  3. You find out that your friend is using you for more power what do you do?
  4. You get defeated by a weaker ayakashi and a few days later people make fun of you so you...
  5. What's your fave food
  6. There's a rumor going around that some ayakashi is taking everyone's power and one night there after you so you...
  7. You have a vision during the night and you wake up and find a weird looking doll in the corner of your room what are you going to do
  8. What's your fave song
  9. What's your fave video game
  10. What's your Fave youtuber

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Quiz topic: What sort of ayakashi am I