What Sibling Are You?

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Hello, thanks for clicking! This is a quiz to see what Sibling you are! Don't mind the names at the end they are just to see what warrior character of mine you are!

I hope you like the quiz and enjoy going through the questions. If you like the quiz share it with your friends and family! Have fun!.................

Created by: GingerBlaze
  1. Your parents say that you have to eat one of your least favorite foods. What do you do?
  2. You are deciding on where to go on a vacation. How do YOU decide?
  3. You and your siblings are in an argument how do you respond?
  4. You and your siblings are bored. What should you do?
  5. You and your siblings are trapped! What do you do?
  6. Finally, if there was one last thing you could do. What would it be?
  7. Just joking! It isn't over yet!
  8. Your sibling hits you. What will you do?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Why did the ball cross the road? (last question)

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Quiz topic: What Sibling am I?
