Do you and your siblings have a good relationship?

This Quiz will explain if you and your siblings have a good relationship, I cannot promise these answers to be 100% accurate but I can promise that I've had personal experience with siblings.

I really hope that this quiz finally answers the question in your mind: "Do I have a good sibling?", I hope that you like this quiz, I spent a lot of time and effort on it.

Created by: Abigail0425LOLLOL
  1. Has there ever been a time that you despise your siblings for no reason?
  2. Do you and your siblings have a good relationship?
  3. Do your siblings listen to you and what you have to say?
  4. Do you and your siblings have mutual friends?
  5. Do you help them if they are bullied?
  6. When is the last time they have said: "I love you"?
  7. DO you have the same tastes and/or hobbies?
  8. What is your age gap?
  9. Do your siblings go to you or your parents first?
  10. Do your siblings keep your secrets?
  11. If you get a low score, what would you think?

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Quiz topic: Do I and my siblings have a good relationship?
