What's Your Smartness Level?

Are You Smart, Take This Quiz to See!!!!! Sorry I have to have many characters to have this quiz which you are about to take so I decided to just keep writing and maybe I will reach many character sooner or later! Well I have To Finish the Next Paragraph!

Stop Reading and Take the Quiz! I Said Take It Already! Yeah... I'm just gonna copy the stuff I typed earlier so if you have de ja vu, sorry! Sorry I have to have many characters to have this quiz which you are about to take so I decided to just keep writing and maybe I will reach many character sooner or later! Well I have To Go!

Created by: Katie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  2. What's your IQ?
  3. What's the Definition of Onomatopoeia?
  4. How many fingers am I holding Up?
  5. Are You Getting Bored?
  6. What is the answer to this Question?
  7. 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10! Can this be true?!
  8. How many results for "bat" are there on Dictionary.com
  9. What's 4+356?
  10. What is this? {=}:).>

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Quiz topic: What's my Smartness Level?