What's your make-up IQ?

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I bet you think you know lots about make-up, but are YouTube tutorials enough to give you 100% knowledge about this? We shall see in this little make-up IQ quiz.

You will have to answer simple questions about the elements of make-up, the techniques and alla that. Make sure to not include just the rules of thumb, but YOUR opinions as well. I'm testing YOU, after all.

Created by: axxel m. snow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What shade of concealer should you use to cover up your dark circles?
  2. What should you generally avoid?
  3. What can you do to get a nice crisp line of lipliner, especially when working with a darker lipstick?
  4. How do you fill in your brows?
  5. Where is it most important to apply powder?
  6. Perfect make-up for school?
  7. You tend to wear...
  8. Let's say you have a round face, a small, defined chin and a tiny forehead (*shyly raises hand*). How do you deal with that?
  9. General eyebrow shade rules?
  10. What are your pre-make-up habits?
  11. Finally...who is your make-up inspiration?

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Quiz topic: What's my make-up IQ?