What's your future boyfriends name?

Sweet, hot, creepy, or normal. Who will you next boyfriend be? Take this quiz its off real life experience!!...

are you qualified for the amazing people in this quiz? it took me and my friends a long time to think and this is actually a good quiz so take it!

Created by: Nisade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you like to spend your time?
  2. On your first date where do you want to go?
  3. Best quality in a guy?
  4. Best physical feature?
  5. Favorite color
  6. What color hair you want your guy to have?
  7. favorite sport?
  8. favorite music
  9. Guys body type?
  10. wat stereotype do you want your guy to be?
  11. Your back at his house alone. What do you want to do?

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Quiz topic: What's my future boyfriends name?