What's your beauty type?

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Hello guys! This quiz is to make you all feel good about yourselves because there is no bad results or wrong answers. We are all beautiful inside and out whether or not you believe it.

We all have our different qualities. Good qualities mostly. Know that you are all loved and you are all beautiful no matter what anybody says to you. 👍🏻🤓😎

Created by: GinnyWeasley12
  1. How many times have you been complimented on your beauty?
  2. How many time have you been called ugly?
  3. Do people mock or make fun of you for your looks?
  4. Would you prefer to be timeless, reflective, or endlessly beautiful?
  5. Do you make alterations to your body to make you bigger or skinnier?
  6. Do you think your ugly?
  7. Do you follow what other people do?(Clothes trends, makeup, etc.)
  8. What colors do you wear?
  9. What fabrics do you wear?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Good bye!!! 😗😛😘

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Quiz topic: What's my beauty type?
