What RPG character are you

This quiz is here to help you know which RPG character you woul be out of 5 chosen and very popular ones. THis quiz is for those who are determined RPG gamers who want to know who they should be.

Are you a mage? Are you a warrior? Are you a knight? Are you a battle mage? Are you s barbarian? These questions are answered in the quiz people so come on and find out what RPG character you are.

Created by: hamburger96
  1. You are being chased by a whorde of savage orcs. They plan to kill you. What do you do.
  2. What weapon do you use in a fight
  3. While memorising a dead man what do you do.
  4. The king has been slaughtered and you need to find the heir. How do you find him
  5. You have defeated a mighty enemy. What do you do after
  6. You are on the verge of death. Yo must deafeat the enemy before you die. What do you do
  7. In a celebration what do you do
  8. How do you honour a fallen comrade
  9. You have been bitten by a vampire. What do you do.
  10. Who do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: What RPG character am I