What role in warrior cats are you?

Warrior cats? A quiz? Yep that’s happening. What role would you get? Would you make a good leader? Or would you become a deputy? Either way I wonder what your going to get!

Also. Are you afraid of other cats? Your such a kit if you are! You might get that role! Be 100% honest on this test. As we need your answer to be 100% right. Good luck!

Created by: Catgirlwarriorcats
  1. Do you ever back down from a challenge?
  2. Are you afraid of the dark? Or just afraid of stuff in the forest?
  3. (STORY) If you were at camp and two cats from patrol came rushing in and told the leader that they saw a Shadowclan cat what would you say?
  4. Would you attack anything that hurt your friends?
  5. Do you think that you’d make a good leader?
  6. Do you think you’d make a good deputy?
  7. (STORY) When you were on patrol and spotted a unusual scent what would you do?
  8. If you decided that this forest wasn’t safe anymore would you discuss this issue with the leader?
  9. Are you excited about your result? (NO EFFECT)
  10. Do you reckon you’d become leader? After this quiz? (NO EFFECT!)

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Quiz topic: What role in warrior cats am I?
