Warrior cat names :3

Bored? A warrior cats fan? Well, you've come to the right place! Here you can find what ever name or role you need, so have fun while taking this quiz. I sorta ran out of questions, so yep!

This is a name quiz that you can take that'll tell you what name/role you get based on how you answer the questions! You can try out as many combinations as you wish!

Created by: Starlit_quiz :3
  1. If you could do anything for your clanmates, what would you do?
  2. Would you rather be:
  3. Duties
  4. How would you spend your day?
  5. Cat fur?
  6. Eyes?
  7. How was your day?
  8. What was the weather like?
  9. First letter of your name?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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