What role do you play? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What role do you play?

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  • The War Fiend

    Your destined role is, The War Fiend! The War Fiend finds pleasure in destruction, choas and madness. You love living the fast life, all the action and thrills. Doing dangerous things whenever you get the chance. You would love to fight in a war, just the thought of it excites you. You think of society and the government as tools that can be used to minipulate and control people, a perfect tool that could be used to start wars, rebellions, outbrakes. You would fight for any reason and enjoy it. Just give you an excuse and you'll fight. You are, The War Fiend.

    what fun! in a way that sounds like me but then again it doesn't. . . loved the quiz though! it was awesome!!

  • You're destined role is, The Observer! The Observer watches and waits. You asses the situation before acting, if you plan on acting at all. Your idea is to wait and strike when the times right. If you were in a fight, you'd probably wait until your opponent is vulnerable or you have an advantage. You wait for opprotunities. Patience is everything to you. You are The Observer.

    Might as well paste it. good quiz. and no worries corrineari, that was my second thing on there xD hero was next tho

  • I got the Adversary... but I keep close to my friends and things. Some things are true, though... good job.


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