What Rank Are You in a Wolf Pack?

In this quiz you will get ranked on what rank you are in a wolf pack it could be bad or good you will find out hope you like my quiz!!!

The results can be crazy. I hope you fined this quiz fun they take a long time to make sooooo yay!!! I don't know what else to put... Hit or miss???

Created by: spirit
  1. Your pack kills a deer, do you.
  2. A lone wolf trespasses on to your territory, will you.
  3. What is your fur color?
  4. What color is your eyes?
  5. Do you like pups?
  6. How do you mark your territory?
  7. How many wolves are in your pack?
  8. What rank do you want (will not effect score)?
  9. Random question, do you know Aphmau?
  10. Last, you killed a rabbit do you.
  11. How old is your wolf?
  12. Did you like my quiz???

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Quiz topic: What Rank am I in a Wolf Pack?

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