What punishment type would work best on you?

This quiz was made to help you determine what type of punishment would work best on you. The types are work, corporal, and and wasted time (like a time-out.)

Remember, punishments should always be unpleasant. You shouldn't want to be punished, in this form of the word. They should be used to stop unwanted behavior.

Created by: FakeInternetMom
  1. Describe yourself.
  2. What type of punishment would you most dislike?
  3. What punishment would you most enjoy?
  4. You got a bad grade. Which one seems most likely to make sure it won't happen again?
  5. You broke a law. Which one seems most likely to make sure it won't happen again?
  6. You swore at your teacher. Which one seems most likely to make sure it won't happen again?
  7. How should a punishment make you feel?
  8. In a minute, you'll see what punishment type will work best on you. What will you do with this information?
  9. Which has been used on you effectively in the past?
  10. The key for each punishment: 2 minutes/days/years per year of age for time, 2 chores/something per year of age for work, and 5 spanks/canes/paddles/etc. per 5 years of age or fraction thereof.

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