what power type are you

you are here cuz you are bored right?me too Well can you guessguess what kind of power you would have? I took two hours on this because I was procrastinating

Yes I am a genius"Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brinpower to ualify for that prestgious title? Unti now you could only wonder. But thanks to his great quiz, n just a few minutes you will findout! Way to lazy to write something

Created by: alhassan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What DEATH are you most afraid of?
  2. What weapons would you want?
  3. What is your personality like with problems
  4. What animal would you want
  5. You are home alone what do you do?
  6. You enemie Has killed everyone you hold near and offer you a place as assistant to help rule the universe what do you do?
  7. You friend is about to sacrifice himself for his planet to defeat an evil vilvillain who is extremely powerful
  8. Would you ever kill?
  9. What do syou do when you are bored
  10. What is your opinion on school?
  11. What are you?

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Quiz topic: What power type am I