What POTC Character Are You?

There are so many people out there who like POTC movies, but do they ever wonder which one they are. Then say no more and take this quiz and I promise you it will be accurate and definitely worth it.

This quiz takes in to account what every character has and relates to the answers of these questions. If you take this quiz, it will give you the truth... Which POTC character you are!

Created by: Rose Seli
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite colour out of these?
  2. What animal most relates to you?
  3. What's your favourite Jack Sparrow line?
  4. Which job would you prefer?
  5. Are you happy or sad?
  6. Which is your fav celeb?
  7. Which power would you prefer?
  8. Would you rather be a cat or dog?
  9. Would you rather sing or dance?
  10. Are you a pirate or not?

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Quiz topic: What POTC Character am I?