What Pokemon Type Suits You?

Have you ever wondered what pokemon type your team should be? Maybe you have a favorite type? Maybe your just here for fun? Well no matter what, Welcome to this quiz!

Here you will find out what pokemon type suits you the best from the choices of fire, water, grass, fairy, rock, ice, flying, psychic, poison, and electric.

Created by: Roxy
  1. What is your favorite Gen. 1 starter?
  2. What is your favorite Gen. 2 starter?
  3. Whats your favorite Gen. 3 starter?
  4. What is your favorite Gen. 4 starter?
  5. What is your favorite Gen. 5 starter?
  6. What is your favorite Gen. 6 starter?
  7. What is your favorite Gen. 7 starter?
  8. What is your favorite Gen. 8 starter?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. What's your fashion sense?
  11. What is your appearance?
  12. What's your favorite kind of food?
  13. Your pokemon is low on health. What do you do?
  14. What is your favorite thing to do with your pokemon?
  15. What's your favorite genre of story?
  16. What's your favorite type from these?

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon Type suits me?
