what Pokmon starter type are you?

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Hi! Have you ever wondered what Pokémon starter type you are? well this will say! Are you a gentle water type? or a angry fire type? what about a relaxed grass type?

This quiz will be longer then my others, with eleven questions instead of 10. still I hope you like this and I also hope you like your score. when done scroll down until you see a paragraph, read it when done reading your quiz result! thanks!

Created by: Giulia
  1. are you calm, fierce, angry, or relaxed?
  2. what music do you like best?
  3. which DO you want?
  4. which DONT you want?
  5. pick your favorite.
  6. what is good about you?
  7. what is bad about you?
  8. which best describes you?
  9. how many friends do you have?
  10. which season do you like best?
  11. If you could live wherever you want, where would you live?

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Quiz topic: What Pokmon starter type am I?
