What Galar Pokemon Starter Stage Are You?

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Hey Pokémon Masters Everywhere! Ever wondered what Galar Region starter you might be? This is your quiz! Btw, we ARE including evolutions in this. Are you Scorbunny? Maybe Grookey. Even Sobble? Or, maybe one of their evolutionary stages!

What you can get are the following: Scorbunny, Raboot, Cinderace, Grookey, Thwackey, Rillaboom, Sobble, Drizzile, And even Inteleon! So? Get a move on to find out who you are!

Created by: Poke fan
  1. What element do you like best?
  2. What color do you like most?
  3. Which do you do most?
  4. Which do you like most?
  5. Which do you like most?
  6. Do you like Pokémon?
  7. What gender are you?
  8. What elective party are you?
  9. How many Pokémon regions are there?(will effect score)
  10. Bye! Enjoy the rest of the day!

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Quiz topic: What Galar Pokemon Starter Stage am I?
