Which Galar Starter Are You?(AMAZINGLY ACCURATE)

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Hello! Have you ever wondered what your inner Galar starter is? This will answer that question! So if you continue, you will find out if you are Sobble, Scorbunny or Grookey!

I hope you enjoy this quiz and guess what! I have a lot of trouble with questions and results, but this seemed easier then usual! So I also hope you like your result, and make sure to try my other quizzes!

Created by: Giulia
  1. Do you like fire, water or grass better?
  2. which best describes you?
  3. If you could only live in one of the following, which would you chose?
  4. which of the following colors do you like best?
  5. would you rather play, run or cry?
  6. which season do you like best?
  7. What power do you want the most?
  8. what holiday do you like best?
  9. which do you want?
  10. Which don't you want?

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Quiz topic: Which Galar Starter am I?(AMAZINGLY ACCURATE)
