what name should be your name?

i just want ppeople to know which word whould best fit them. so if they want they can make it a nick name. or they can just say cool and to just leave.

Some people are smart and they will think that this is true or not true. there are many things that people find different then what other people might think or say.

Created by: ra
  1. do you like to eat?
  2. what do you want your name to be?
  3. how much do you weigh?
  4. how old are you?
  5. do you eat a lot of junk in one day??????
  6. how many sibilings do you have?
  7. what grade are u in?
  8. what is the best kind of food?
  9. what is your favoritte fastfood restuarant?
  10. what does your name start with?

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Quiz topic: What name should be my name?