What mythical monster are you?

Cool stuff nice take it be cool comment no hard feelings I don't care if it's wrong take it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it to the max😁

Dress are skirts or pants. Lil Wayne jay z Nikki manaj cool ish Donald glover because of the internet tbc talc color time cool right words nice distraction 😁😔😉😔😒😉😒😛😩😳😩😳😥

Created by: Alexa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I someone insults you what do you do?
  2. Evil,good,neutral,idk
  3. Popular?
  4. If you could punch someone in the face for no reason would you?
  5. Favorite thing to do out of these?
  6. Cool or nah?
  7. Favorite food?
  8. Classy?
  9. Comment?
  10. Thanks?
  11. Bye

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Quiz topic: What mythical monster am I?