what mythical creature are you?

there are many people with preferences to what mythical creatures they would want to be but they are biased. here is the awsomest awsome quiz where me, the awsome creator, has given you six awsome possible results so take the quiz.

take the awsome quiz and find out if you are a cool or creepy creature. onl six results so even if you don' get one ou like suck it up and try again. have fun and love my quiz. are you still reading this? take the quiz! i don't have all day people!

Created by: sakura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color.
  2. what is your favorite food?
  3. what color do you want your eyes to be?
  4. what is your favorite time?
  5. land or water
  6. what mythical creature is your favorite?
  7. what is your favorite fruit?
  8. i like.....
  9. i like the creator of this quiz.
  10. are you bored?
  11. do you like cats?
  12. are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I?