what mythical creature are you

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There is many Mythical creatures in the world but witch one are you. Take this quiz and see witch one You get. It could be a mermaid, A Dragon,A Fairy,A Phonix,Or a Unicorn.

You could learn witch one you act the most like. Do you have the courage to find out. Take this Quiz and you'll have the answer in no time. In a few minutes you'll find out!!

Created by: xiomara
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. what's your favorite animal?
  3. What month were you born on?
  4. Do you love animals?
  5. fndiugntnhgntugfnhg
  6. Do you like swimming?
  7. Are you spoiled? (get anything you want)
  8. What's your favorite number?
  9. What do you like to do in normal hot days?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I