What musical instrument are you?

Even if you aren't interested in music, I think his quiz would be cool. There are many musical instruments: from the loud and proud Saxophone to the quiet flute, instruments have their own "personality" .

Based on this quiz, what instrument fits your personality? What instrument is like you? You might be surprised. You could try this out on your friends. Share this around with your friends and yeah. ENJOY!

Created by: AniMystic
  1. How are you/were you at school?
  2. What is your favorite type of music?
  3. In a zombie apocalypse, you are...
  4. What is your favorite type of game?
  5. Which of these are your "favorite" sports?
  6. Which color do you like?
  7. Which of these do you say a lot?
  8. You joined band at school. What would you play?
  9. What is the meaning of life?
  10. Will you give this quiz a rate? (Won't affect score)

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Quiz topic: What musical instrument am I?