what movie star are you?

LETS SEE WHAT STAR YOU ARE!!!! ya what star you are! I'm typin all this cause it wont let me finish this quiz if i dont type enough words so this sounds amazing, quit reading all this stuff, why are you still reading?! i said stop!

what star are u? isent that amazing?! wow you must be really boared if your taking my quiz cause half the time i made this quiz i didnt know what the crap i was doing. if you think it was lame I'DE LIKE TO SEE YOU MAKE ONE!

Created by: Hallie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a little boy fell on the ground,hes hurt...you
  2. your on stage when suddenly they start booing you...you
  3. how do you react around camras?
  4. are you married?
  5. have you ever gotten surgery?
  6. whats your voice like?
  7. what clothes do you like to wear?
  8. what do you like to do after the show.
  9. do you like my quiz?
  10. ok this is the last question...i think. are you exsited!?

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Quiz topic: What movie star am I?