What Minecraft Mob Are You?

From cave spider to wither skeleton, mobs had been added to Minecraft. Which one best suits your personality? That is something for you to discover for yourself.

What mob are you. Where from you come? Take this superb quiz to find out!

Created by: Mr. Sneaky
  1. Would you rather?
  2. Would you rather?
  3. Would you rather be made of?
  4. Would you rather have weakness of?
  5. What is your favourite colour of these options?
  6. What weapon would you like the best?
  7. If somebody floods your house, what would your reaction be?
  8. If you fell into lava, what would your reaction be?
  9. Would you rather live in?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Mob am I?