What mascot are you most like?

I wanted to do this quiz because i have always enjoyed how mascots always act at games. I always wandered where they get there ideas from and why they decided to becaome a mascot.

Have wandered that before. Do you want to be a mascot and show of your moves and ideas this is the quiz for you.

Created by: Jonathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you popular?
  2. What grade are you in?
  3. Do you play sports?
  4. Are you active?
  5. Are you smart?
  6. Do you get paid?
  7. Do you have a job?
  8. Do you want to be a mascot?
  9. Do you want to be a mascot?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What mascot am I most like?