What Martial Art is Best for You?

Are you interested in participating in martial arts but don't know what discipline is right for you? Take this quiz and let us help guide you in the right direction!

Simply be honest with yourself and select the best answer to the following questions. There are no wrong answers and the more honest you are the more the results will be geared toward you.

Created by: mrg8

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the most Important thing you are looking to gain from your martial art experience?
  2. What is your interest in weapons training?
  3. Which description best fits you?
  4. How important is tradition and formality to you?
  5. Are you afflicted with any physical disabilities or limitations such as a bad back or arthritis?
  6. Are you afflicted with mental and/or behavioral disabilities such as ADD/ADHD/OCD?
  7. Are you willing to make a commitment to better yourself through martial arts?
  8. Are you healthy enough to participate in physical activity?
  9. Do you have any previous martial art experience?
  10. Are you ready to see your results?!

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