What made up word are you?

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Hello ppl! Here's another quiz, telling you what made-up word you are! Yeah I hope you enjoy :D Also check out my other quiz, "How positive are you?"!!! :D

Also, I won't be surprised if this quiz doesn't get popular because I spent barely any time on this- Hope you have a nice day btw lol :') Byeeeeeeeeee

Created by: We1rd0_Gurl
  1. Hello! Are you ready to start the quiz?
  2. Ok.... first question: how do you wake up on a Monday morning?
  3. Favourite phrase?
  4. What is your habit that others find annoying?
  5. What is your obsession?
  6. What are your parents most critical about?
  7. How would your friends describe you?
  8. Favourite colour?
  9. Favourite emoji?
  10. That's it! Did you enjoy my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What made up word am I?

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