What Level Gymnast Are You? (USAG)

Hello everyone! For all the boys or non-binary or gender fluid people, if you do girls' gymnastics – great! Take this quiz. If you just are doing it for fun – awesome! But if you actually want to figure out what level you are, the questions are about girls' skills. Just so you know!

I'm a level 8 USAG gymnast personally, so this quiz should be pretty accurate. Please don't be mad or upset if you don't get the result you wanted. You're awesome anyways!

Created by: LJ
  1. Are you taking this quiz for fun or do you actually want to see what level you are?
  2. What was the last thing you learned on trampoline?
  3. What was the last thing you learned on floor?
  4. What was the last thing you learned on strap bar?
  5. What was the last thing you learned on real bars?
  6. What was the last thing you learned on low beam?
  7. What was the last thing you learned on high beam?
  8. What was the last thing you learned on vault?
  9. Are you on the team?
  10. If your answer was yes to the last question; have you competed a competition yet?
  11. If your answer was yes to the last question; was it a travel meet, a mock meet (at your gym), or a state meet?
  12. What level do you think you are most like? Remember: Confidence is key!

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Quiz topic: What Level Gymnast am I? (USAG)
