What Kind Of Warship or Submarine Suits You?

The navy has various ships and submarines. From the tough air-craft carriers to the small quick frigates and of course the attack and ballistic submarines, the navy specialises in sea war.

Have you ever dreamt of being in one or a naval battle? Have you ever played battleships? Wonder what ship or submarine (sub) suits you. Find out in this quiz.

Created by: Fleet Advisor
  1. How long is your ship or submarine?
  2. What fuel do you want your ship/sub to use?
  3. Does your ship/sub have stealth capabilities.
  4. Will the ship carry aircraft?
  5. What kind of weapons would you have on your ship or submarine.
  6. What will your craft do in a storm.
  7. What kind of missions seems most interesting.
  8. How long can your ship stay at sea without refueling.
  9. Is this going to be a flagship? (the admirals travel in flagships)
  10. What sci-fi spaceship of these inspires you the most.
  11. Who do say is the most awesome of these?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Warship or Submarine suits me?