What kind of socialist or leftist are you?

Welcome to my left-wing political quiz. Are you an ancom, a ML, do you know what these terms mean? Let's have some fun answering a series of monotonous questions. Let's find out your politics together!

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Created by: Tophat Socialist
  1. Are you more revolutionary or reformist?
  2. Should socialist political parties engage in liberal democratic elections?
  3. What is your opinion on the USSR?
  4. The state is an oppressive and coercive structure that needs to be abolished.
  5. The ruling class can be convinced to adopt socialism
  6. A vanguard party is needed to lead the proletariat to revolution
  7. Does a one party state free us from the bureaucracy and inefficiency of democracy?
  8. What form of governance would you most prefer?
  9. What is your opinion on Marx and Engels?
  10. Policies that enable mass immigration are naive and should not be implemented
  11. Private property should be abolished
  12. "From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" is a good idea
  13. A classless society is ideal
  14. Had you been there when the First International split, who would you have sided with: the Red (Marxists) or the Black (anarchists)?
  15. The leadership of political parties towards socialism will always lead to authoritarianism
  16. Material conditions and needs are the dominant drive behind socioeconomic changes.
  17. Is democratic centralism harmful to the workers and to democracy?
  18. The state should be capable of assigning individuals to workplaces
  19. What is China politically?

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Quiz topic: What kind of socialist or leftist am I?
