What Kind of Romance is Yours? | Comments

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  • This is sooo me!

    Your Result: Your Romance is classical and beautiful!


    Today in Hollywood you usually see the exact opposite of the romantic you are. Girls: You figure McDreamy will wait for you, however long it takes. Guys: You are willing to wait for her, because you will be so madly in love with DreamGirl, you could wait an eternity. Both: Back in the really old classic movies you see a lot of this type of romance. The guy and the girl are willing to do anything for each other, and they'll proclaim their love for all to hear. This is a truly wonderful relationship!

  • this is definitely rite 4 me:

    Your Result: Your Romance is classical and beautiful!


    To day in Hollywood you usually see the exact opposite of the romantic you are. Girls: You figure McDreamy will wait for you, however long it takes. Guys: You are willing to wait for her, because you will be so madly in love with DreamGirl, you could wait an eternity. Both: Back in the really old classic movies you see a lot of this type of romance. The guy and the girl are willing to do anything for each other, and they'll proclaim their love for all to hear. This is a truly wonderful relationship!

  • Your Result: Your Romance is shy and sweet!

    You and McDreamy/Dreamgirl tend to be a bit shy during the first dates, and both of you are unsure when the right time for stuff is. That's fine. But remember, if you REALLY want something, give a little hint, which is your style.

    Your Romance is classical and beautiful!
    Your Romance is quick and easy!
    Your Romance is fast and fun!

    Great quiz! I loved it and my results were perfect! 10!

  • Shy and sweet is what I got! So me ^^

  • Creepily I got the same as aszand_58!10/10!


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