What kind of person are you?

We all learn something new every day.This is a personality quiz I made up when I was having one of those sit around at home days. I learned a lot about my self making this quiz, you might learn something about your self as well.

So, what do you say? how about you give it a try, or are you worried about what you might find out? Try being as honest as possible when answering the questions for best results.

Created by: Kevin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you saw a girl you know drop $5 on the floor you would__________.
  2. Do you own a pet? What kind?
  3. What is your favorite day of the week?
  4. If there was a car crash between a police car and a bank robber who would you pull out of the fire first?
  5. Have you ever gone pee in the shower?
  6. what sort of car would you want to have?
  7. what is your favorite time of year?
  8. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
  9. Do you like planning out your events or do you like to live more unscripted.
  10. If one of your friends said something dumb you would_________?
  11. Roughly what percentage of the time are you serious as apposed to being funny.
  12. Would you date someone if they were hot but very snotty.
  13. If someone is pressuring you to do something how likely are you to doing it.

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?