What Kind Of Movie Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Kind Of Movie Are You?

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  • awesome. a comedy movie. i don't think i'm funny but people laugh any ways.

  • Hi please take this 'quiz' called ~"Please read this if you care about animals!!"~ I did not make this quiz but the person who did asked people to pass it on. I am going to make a huge step and you can to take the quiz and read about it :)

  • ok this quiz means nothing

  • Your Result: You are a hilarious comedy!!!

    You like to joke around with your friends and family. You keep them laughing and you are doing a terrific job. Keep up the funny jokes,buddy. Eh,you should be a comedian!!!What do you say?

    I say this quiz is a piece of crap! *audience laugh* no offense *audience applauds*

  • Your Result: You are a hilarious comedy!!!

    You like to joke around with your friends and family. You keep them laughing and you are doing a terrific job. Keep up the funny jokes,buddy. Eh,you should be a comedian!!!What do you say?

    You are sweet romance!!!
    You are drama,drama,drama!! !
    You are full of action!!!
    You are.....Everything! !!!!!!!

    All the bars where blank, I wonder what that means... Hey, at least I'm funny!!!


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