What Kind Of House Pet R U??

Have you ever felt like your parents treat you like a pet? Well neither have i, but just incase you said yes here are the answers to your questions.What kind of pet would you be??

Are you a cat? dog? fish? CHINCHILLA? let us go into the quiz taking world to find out your fate. Choose wisely tho because it is your life that the quiz follows.

Created by: HarmonyC
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK your parents are out of town and have left you in charge of the house what will you do with this freedom?
  2. Ur bf/gf just broke up with you. You...
  3. Theres a bully at school and you seem to be his target. What do you do?
  4. You can save 1 thing from the fire. It is?
  5. What type of music do u like?
  6. Whats your favorite color?
  8. How many sibilings do you have?
  9. Choose your future job...
  10. So how awesome am I??

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