What kind of hippie are you?

Well have you ever wondered what level of hippie dippie you are? Or in what way you fall into the hippie life? Or even if you're a hippie at all? Take this quiz to find out. (:

You may be into festivals, or just helping animals. You may be into both! You may be into none. You might love meditation but hate drugs or vice-versa. Well this quiz will determine what type of hippie you are. (: Peace!

Created by: Ray
  1. Choose the music you like.
  2. Choose your clothes
  3. Drugs?
  4. Which do you wish to go to?
  5. What do you eat?
  6. I like insense
  7. Tapestries?
  8. I am...
  9. I think we should...
  10. Hairstyle?

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Quiz topic: What kind of hippie am I?