What kind of fruit would you be?

Do you like fruit?! i hosentky dooo notttt knnnnooowwww whhhaattt iii am typeing bbbeeeeccuzzzz iii am awkard yeo yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep

um wel here we go again, 150 more letter thinggs well im hungrey r u hungrey im hungry. i am suppose to put somthing important here but... im not !! >:) REBEL

Created by: MEEP
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do on the weekends??
  2. What would your 16th b-dsy party be like?
  3. Whats ur favorit food?
  4. Do you wear makeup?
  5. what color eyes do you have?
  6. are you popular
  7. ice cream or cookies??
  8. its winter, and you slip as your running to the bus and everyone sees you O.O
  9. your at your best friends house and his/her mom asks you if you and your best friend can go pick up the mess you made you..
  10. you get a text from your mom asking you if you csn come home from your friends house early you...

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