what kind of dog are you?

are you a mutt or a poodle? a pitbull or a lab? find out just how cool of a dog you are so like take the friggn test! so then take it take it now take it!

so cool take it take it take it take it take it take it take it now take take take take it wow why won't you please i'm cooler than you and unless you take then we're ever lol

Created by: jayme
  1. what are some good colors
  2. do you think you're hott?
  3. do you think you're hott?
  4. I like to....
  5. I hate it when
  6. do you like to read?
  7. T.V Is the best thing in the world
  8. i have_chat things (aim, myspace ect...)
  9. last one.... pick a card any card
  10. fine pick another

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Quiz topic: What kind of dog am I?