What kind of character are you?

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I made this quiz just because I wanted to... I don’t know if you like it so please comment . I hope you enjoyed it however :)hehehe . If you think it was boring then that’s just you xD

Not all of the results are right or accurate , some may be accurate some might no be accurate. If you think it was accurate please comment on this quiz please. Enjoy!

Created by: UndeadWolfHunter
  1. Are you mainly lonely or with people ???
  2. Do you atract a lot of attention ???
  3. Do you annoy people ???and do people find you annoying ???
  4. Do people call you cute and attend to want to touch you???
  5. Are you stupid most of time??
  6. Do you help people???
  7. Do you chat with people ???
  8. Do you pay any kind of attention in class??? XD
  9. Why did you take the quiz???
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz??.

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Quiz topic: What kind of character am I?
