What Kind of Catholic Are You?

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So, you think you're Catholic? Well, take this quiz and find out if you're a loyal, Orthodox Catholic, a new-age Schismatic, cut off from the true Church, or an average Catholic in the pews, unaware of the "Church wars."

Are you as good a Catholic as you think you are? Do you dance in the aisles? Do you make your own incense? Do you think everyone should be a priest? Do you think heretics should still be burned alive? Take this quiz - it should help pinpoint what you believe.

Created by: Gen
  1. Female ordination. What do you say?
  2. What would you do if you saw lay preaching going on in your parish?
  3. Cleansing Fire - what do you think of it?
  4. Sacred Music - what should it be?
  5. Incense should be used . . .
  6. Latin Mass is . . .
  7. Priests should preach on the following topic more frequently:
  8. My favorite saint is:
  9. St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry is . . .
  10. An altar server should be . . .

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Catholic am I?