What kind of cake are you? (Girls)

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There are a lot of good and amazingly delicious cakes that a lot of people love, so which one are you? People are not the only things that have personalities, it's flowers, ice creams, cakes, etc. Cakes are meant to make someone happy, or excited. So that we we have cakes on birthdays

What kind of cake are YOU? What kind of personality do you have? Take this amazing and awesome quiz to find out. I worked so hard on this quiz. It took me 3 days to finish because of the amount of the results there are in this quiz.

Created by: idonknow
  1. what do people mostly describe you?
  2. what would you like to be when you grow up?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. 1-5 how much do you gossip/tell someone a secret?
  5. what time do you usually go to bed?
  6. 1-3 how loud are you?
  7. How do you make your friends laugh?
  8. where do you always go?
  9. that's all
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What kind of cake am I? (Girls)