What Keeper of the Lost Cities character are you?

Have you ever wondered what Keeper of the Lost Cities character you are the most like or have the most in common with? Or are you just completely obsessed with Keeper of the Lost Cities and you are doing every quiz you can find about it?

This is my first quiz so I hope you enjoy it and sorry if it's bad because it probably will be. Also i bet no one is even reading this and I need more letters to be able to publish this so yeah byee!

Created by: Jenna
  1. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  2. Are you female or male? (so you get the right gender at the end)
  3. what is your favorite color out of these choices?
  4. What sign are you?
  5. What would most people think of you as?
  6. You just got home from foxfire and have a lot of homework, what do you do?
  7. What's your favorite sport?
  8. How many friends do you have/wish you had?
  9. what Keeper of the Lost Cities animal is your favorite?
  10. What is your favorite Keeper of the Lost Cities character out of these?

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Quiz topic: What Keeper of the Lost Cities character am I?
